About the journal

Year of foundation of the journal: 2017

Topics of the journal:  the latest developments in law and the exchange of best practices in the field of law, legal education.

ISSN: 2663-5666 (Print), 2663-5674 (Online)

Registration of Print media entity: Decision of the National Council of Television and Radio Broadcasting of Ukraine: Decision No. 225 as of 11.04.2024 

Professional registration: is included in the list of scientific professional editions in which the results of the dissertation works for obtaining the scientific degrees of doctor and candidate of sciences in accordance with the Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine No. 996 of July 11, 2017 (Annex No. 7) may be published.

Scientometric databasesIndex Copernicus International

Periodicity: once every 3 months

Language of publications: Ukrainian, English

Founder: Sumy National Agrarian University

Editor in Chief: Zapara Svitlana Ivanivna, Doctor of Laws, Professor

Deputy editor: Kravtsova Tetiana Mykolaivna, Doctor of Laws, Professor

Address: st. Gerasim Kondratieva, 160, Sumy, Ukraine, 40021

Tel.: +38 (098) 985 01 58
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Webcite: pp-law.in.ua

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